Your Human Needs

Your Human Needs

Here’s a recap of the human needs, as described by the Human Givens approach to psychotherapy.

They represent what all humans need to stay mentally healthy. When we are lacking in one of these areas we will experience anxiety of some type (eg boredom, frustration, fear) in order to ensure we get this need met.

Reflecting on these can help you focus on the reason behind negative feelings, and help you start taking steps towards making improvements in this area to reduce stress and anxiety in your life.

SECURITY – A safe environment in which to live

PRIVACY– Opportunities to reflect and consolidate your experience

ATTENTION– To both give and receive attention from others

EMOTIONAL CONNECTION– Having someone you can be yourself with, through friendships and companions

WIDER COMMUNITY– Feeling connected and part of a larger group

ACHEIVMENT– A sense of competence and ability

RESPECT– Feeling of value and status amongst your social groups

CONTROL & AUTONOMY– A sense of being able to influence the outcomes of your life

MEANING & PURPOSE– From perusing a skill, giving a service to others or sense of spirituality

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