Vitamin G for your mental health

Vitamin G for your mental health
When you need to boost your mood, have you ever considered taking a dose of Vitamin G? It’s free, and even a small dose can work wonders for your mood!
The Vitamin G we’re talking about is taken by being out in “green” spaces.& This age old wisdom is now backed up by a wealth of research into emotional well-being. Research has show spending time in nature significantly improves self-esteem, mood, and reduces the risk of depression. What’s happening in the human mind is still unclear, however it seems that we are hardwired to feel calmer in rural areas, even looking at a picture of a rural scene will make people feel more relaxed.
So when you are taking a break or feeling blue, find some green space to walk or eat your lunch in. Finding a large area of green space will give you the best results, but even just a little bit of nature, for just a short amount of time has shown to be of benefit… and if you want to super boost your Vitamin G, the effects are amplified if you go somewhere with a little bit of natural water too!